A Family Orthodontist in Leawood Explains 5 Steps to Take if Your Bracket Breaks
Have any of the brackets on your braces broken off? A family orthodontist in Leawood knows that if you’re among the four million Americans who wear braces, you understand the significance of having a set permanently attached to your teeth. Those who experience constant pain during the first few days may find the change to be too much for them.
However, some Leawood residents adjust to wearing them more quickly and frequently forget they are there. This makes them irresponsible, which frequently ends in them having a broken bracket in their mouths. What would you do if you were the victim of this?
To find out what to do if your metal braces in Leawood break, read the information provided below. We’ll also advise you on how to avoid experiencing this in the future.

First and foremost, if you find that you have a broken bracket in your mouth, contact Starting Point Dental right away. Our experienced orthodontists will quickly diagnose the cause of the breakage and provide solutions for repair or replacement. We understand that this may be inconvenient, but we will do our best to get you back on track as soon as possible.A Family Orthodontist in Leawood: Check Out the Damage
When you believe a bracket has broken off, you should examine the damage it has caused to your braces first. A bracket that pops off frequently takes the other brackets with it. This is as a result of the wire connecting them all.
It’s not unusual for multiple brackets to pop off at once. In such a scenario, see if any of them are toppling over. Remove any brackets that are on the verge of falling off and store them in a small container.
It will just be floating brackets to deal with if the wire is strong enough. They are only going to remain in place until they are glued back onto the tooth, so they won’t hurt. It is at this point that you will experience pain and irritation if the break causes the wires to your metal braces in Leawood start to bend.
Family Orthodontist in Leawood: Reduce Any Angry Feelings
A family orthodontist in Leawood knows you’ll probably feel wires that are bent and sticking out of your gums or cheeks. They may result in cuts and splinters in the skin if ignored. Continuing this may result in swelling.
Cutting the remaining wires shorter with a wire cutter is one method to accomplish this. By doing this, you can avoid having the extra wire stab your mouth. In the event that wire cutters are not available, you can also use nail clippers.
Family Orthodontist in Leawood: Hide Any Unsightly Wire
It’s always possible to bend the wires if you’re uncomfortable cutting them. If you can, bend it in the direction of your teeth rather than the softer areas of your mouth. While it might feel strange to bite down in this way, it’s preferable to having metal pierce your mouth.
For this, using a q-tip dipped in water is a good idea. It can also be bent around a different safe bracket. If you want to limit its reach and stop it from sticking to you, place it underneath.
Gum applied to the wire may provide some relief from the pain if all else fails. To shield your teeth from direct sugar exposure, go for sugar-free gum. Orthodontic wax is a superior option as it adheres better to your metal braces in Leawood.
Family Orthodontist in Leawood: Get a Consultation
A family orthodontist in Leawood suggests that after you’ve managed your discomfort, it’s time to make an appointment. Unless you are a skilled teen orthodontist in Leawood, you cannot attach the brackets to yourself. The necessary tools are not available for you to fix your broken braces.
Find a reliable orthodontist as quickly as you can. It’s critical that you replace the brackets as soon as possible. This will help you cut down on the number of days that you suffer from discomfort.
By doing this, you also stop your teeth from moving back into the positions they were in before you got your metal braces in Leawood. If they do, it indicates that you need to wear the braces longer than the recommended amount of time.
Family Orthodontist in Leawood: Always Use Proper Dental Hygiene
You need to take care of your mouth in preparation for your scheduled appointment with your family orthodontist in Leawood. This is crucial since your mouth could sustain cuts and other fractures.
To ensure that none of these become infected before your Leawood appointment, try to keep your mouth as clean as possible. Warm saltwater gargling is a good way to achieve this. While the salt cleans any wounds inside your mouth and helps to prevent some infections, it also causes a slight stinging sensation.
Another good option is to use antiseptic rinses. As they differ from conventional mouthwashes, it is advisable to check before gargling. It’s also critical to remember that your antiseptic wash is intended for oral use.
Moreover, you ought to take out any food fragments that are in your mouth. These can create their own bacteria and infect any sores you may have if left unchecked. While brushing your teeth is sufficient, flossing guarantees that all food particles are removed.
Family Orthodontist in Leawood: Tips for Maintaining Your Metal Braces in Leawood
You need to become knowledgeable about braces maintenance if you want to avoid bracket breakage altogether. Selecting the appropriate toothbrush is the best thing you can do for this. To make sure you get everything out of your teeth when brushing, choose brushes with thin bristles.
When selecting a toothbrush, it’s also best to get some soft bristles. Your brackets may break and your gums may bleed if you use hard bristles. This is a result of the pressure that these brackets experience when they rub against each other.
Bear in mind that certain foods are off limits when wearing braces. For most people, this is the main cause of their brackets breaking off. Maintaining the shape of your metal braces in Leawood will be much easier if you keep in mind what foods you can and cannot eat.
Family Orthodontist in Leawood: Use These Procedures to Repair a Broken Bracket Right Now
A broken bracket can give the wearer excruciating pain and discomfort. It’s something you ought to never have to go through. Take these actions to have the bracket fixed as soon as possible!
Do you require help wearing your braces? Finding orthodontic services can be difficult if you don’t know where to look or don’t have an appointment scheduled. Make an appointment as soon as possible by contacting Starting Point, a top family orthodontist in Leawood.