On the off chance that your child has a loose tooth that is disturbing him or her, you may think about whether or not you should help to pull it out or simply exercise patience and wait for it to come out on its own. It may be tempting to remove the tooth from your child’s mouth; however this isn’t generally the most ideal approach to take. Here are some things to consider before removing or pulling a loose tooth.
Why Is The Tooth Loose?
A loose tooth does not always indicate that a permanent tooth is coming. Children sometimes hit their teeth as they play or fall. If your child’s tooth has become loose because it was hit, you should arrange a meeting with your dentist for inspection as there may be a risk of infection or permanent dental damage. In the event that the tooth is loose because of decay, your dentist may suggest removing it altogether. However, if the tooth is simply a loose baby tooth, it is best to wait for it to fall out naturally.
Importantly, you should never force or forcefully pull a child’s loose tooth as this can cause pain and damage to the surrounding teeth and gums. It is important to let nature take its course and allow the tooth to loosen and fall out on its own.
First Tooth In, First Tooth Out
Children typically lose their baby teeth in the same sequence as they grew them. The front teeth are usually the first to go, usually around the ages of six or seven. As the permanent tooth starts to emerge, it dissolves the roots of the baby tooth until it becomes loose enough to fall out painlessly and with minimal bleeding.
However, attempting to extract a tooth prematurely can damage the sensitive roots and lead to unnecessary discomfort for your child. If you notice a loose tooth that doesn’t seem ready to come out or appears out of order, it’s best to seek professional advice. Consider scheduling a visit to Starting Point Dental in Overland Park to ensure your child’s dental health is properly managed.

The Best Ways To Help Out A Loose Tooth
The American Dental Association produced a video that describes the gentle removal of a loose tooth. However, before doing this, make sure the tooth is very loose or hangs in the cavity. Also, make sure your child does not feel any pain when pressing the tooth. If your child feels pain, it is a sign that the roots are not sufficiently dissolved to safely remove the tooth. Gently take your tissue, wrap it around the tooth and squeeze it. The tooth should lightly fall.
DO NOT Pull Your Child’s Tooth If
- It is just a little loose. Teeth like this can still be firmly rooted in the cavity.
- Your child says he/she has pain every time he touches or pulls the tooth.
- You have not made contact with your dentist. We want to provide you with the information we need to help you determine the best things for your child’s teeth.
- Pulling the loose tooth can cause damage to teeth on the other side. It can also cause damage to the gum tissue and create issues with jaw alignment.
It is a common experience for children to lose their baby teeth, but it can be a scary and painful process for them. As a parent, you want to make sure that your child’s tooth falls out naturally without causing any harm. However, sometimes the tooth may need some help in coming out.
One important thing to keep in mind when your child has a loose tooth is to ensure they do not feel any pain while trying to remove it. Pain is an indication that the roots of the tooth are still too strong and dissolving them further could result in damage. In such cases, it is best to leave the tooth alone and allow it to fall out on its
Loose Tooth Come Out On Their Own
For the most part, in the event that you and your child can withstand the nuisance of a loose tooth, it is better not to pull it out, but instead let them wiggle it until the point when it falls out by itself. This will limit the pain and bleeding related with tooth loss. On the off chance that you have any uncertainty about a loose tooth, contact Starting Point Dental.
At Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we understand that just like an efficient plumbing service ensures the smooth flow of water in your home, proper dental care ensures the well-being of your child’s smile. Parents often wonder about the process of loose tooth removal and may ask questions like when to pull out a loose tooth, should you pull out a loose tooth, and does it hurt to pull a loose tooth. Our team is dedicated to providing gentle and expert care, addressing concerns such as is it safe to pull out a loose tooth, is it okay to pull a loose tooth out, and how to make a tooth fall out without pain. We believe in guiding families through the journey of dental health, offering insights on whether a loose tooth needs to be pulled and the best practices for pulling out a loose tooth while ensuring comfort and safety throughout the process. Trust Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics to be your partner in maintaining your child’s healthy and happy smile.
Welcome to Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, where we’re more than your average tooth fairies! We’re the architects of stunning smiles that light up Kansas City brighter than a firefly’s glow. If you’re on a quest for a Children’s Orthodontist in Overland Park, Kids Orthodontist in Overland Park, or a Teen Orthodontist in Overland Park, consider your Indiana Jones-style hunt over! We believe orthodontic care should be as unique as your kiddo’s laugh. That’s why we offer a range of treatments from Clear Braces in Overland Park to Ceramic Braces and Metal Braces. Got a case of crowded chompers or crooked canines? We’re the Crooked Teeth and Crowded Teeth Orthodontists in Overland Park you’ve been searching for.
And guess what? Our Overland Park services are as budget friendly as they are top-notch. We accept most dental insurance and offer interest-free payment options. Special discounts? We’ve got those too for our brave military families and those with multiple braces champions. From the cutting-edge Clarity by 3M in Overland Park to the ever-popular Invisalign, our team is ready to add some sparkle to your smile. Let’s make Kansas City shine, one smile at a time! Request an appointment here or call our clinic at 913-422-6699 and let us add some sparkle to your smile!